Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Discover the Difference With Hair Healthy Foods

Shampoos and conditioners have come a long way.  Hair science provides us with terrific products for every type of hair and every type of hair problem.  But as fantastic as these products can be, they cannot work alone.

Want the ultimate benefits from radiant, glowing hair?  The magic's in your groceries!

Hair healthy foods are abundant, they're not fattening, and best of all they're delicious!  Healthy proteins, hair healthy vitamins, and plenty of iron are a good start.  Boring?  Hardly! 

Include these delicacies in your regular diet and discover the difference …

Protein is essential to your beauty routine.  Without it, hair can be brittle and dull.  Especially good proteins include salmon, lean beef, poultry eggs. 

Salmon is not only high in protein, it is also rich in omega3 fatty acids which are essential to a healthy scalp.  It's also loaded with iron and vitamin B12, both of which are viral to your shining locks.  Salmon could well be one of the best foods for healthy hair on the planet.

Salmon too pricey?  Don't despair. 

Consider lean beef.  Like salmon, lean beef is high in B vitamins and iron, as well as zinc - another hair healthy powerhouse.  And speaking of proteins, don't forget your eggs.  They're loaded with essential B vitamins.

Dairy products are also a good source of protein.  Plus they are rich in calcium - an important contributor to healthy hair growth.

Round out your hair healthy food choices with green vegetables, lentils or beans, and whole grains.
Broccoli and spinach are right up there.  These hair healthy foods are loaded with vitamins A and C - both of which contribute to the production of your hair's natural moisturizer - sebum.  And, all green vegetables are high in iron and calcium.

Whole grains aren't only delicious (do you love whole wheat pasta!), they're also hair healthy.  Think zinc, iron, and B vitamins.  Sound familiar!

Likewise for the beans.  Plus they contain a good dose of the hair healthy B vitamin biotin.

Try this delicious blend of hair healthy foods.  Oh, and by the way, garlic and olive oil are not only healthy, they also have serious fat burner qualities. 

Who said beautiful hair has to be a chore!

Broccoli with Garlic Olive Oil and Penne

1 large head of broccoli, large stems removed, and cut into small florets
1/3cup olive oil
4 garlic cloves, chopped
12 ounces whole wheat penne pasta
2/3 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese or Pecorino Romano cheese, or a combination of both
Freshly ground pepper

Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil and add the broccoli florets.  Cook until just tender, 3-4 minutes.  Remove with a slotted spoon to drain in a colander.

Return the broccoli water to a boil and add the pasta cooking until al dente.

Meanwhile heat the olive oil over low heat in a separate skillet.  Add the garlic and cook until it begins to color, about a minute.  Be careful not to burn the garlic!  Add the drained broccoli florets and cook for several more minutes, breaking the broccoli with a spoon as it softens. Season to taste with a little salt.

Drain the pasta, reserving a small amount of the cooking water.  Return the pasta to the cooking pan and add the broccoli and oil mixture, tossing gently to blend.  If the mixture appears dry, add a few spoonfuls of the cooking water and gently toss.  Season generously with freshly ground pepper.  Transfer to a serving bowl if desired.

Serve in individual bowls with the grated cheese.

Enjoy more skin healthy fat burning recipes >>>

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