Sunday, July 31, 2011

Antioxidants and Skin - The Benefits of Red Wine

The connections between antioxidants and skin health are ever expanding.  Now it seems we can add the benefits of red wine to that list of super antioxidants!

Researchers from the University of Florida and the University of Pennsylvania recently conducted a study on the benefits of resveratrol - the active antioxidant ingredient in red wine.  After conducting a comprehensive review of human clinical research, the results showed that the benefits of resveratrol are indeed associated with strong anti aging, anti cancer, anti inflammatory, and antioxidant properties.

One of the reasons that moderate amounts of red wine can be so beneficial is because of the way it is made.  Unlike grape juices which discard the seeds and skin in processing, red wine contains both.  Skins and seeds are included in the fermenting process of red wine, creating a much higher concentration of resveratrol.

There are definitive associations between the benefits of resveratrol and skin health.  According to WebMD, there are a number of studies that have shown that people who enjoy moderate amounts of red wine are less prone to suffer from skin lesions.  Research focusing on the healing qualities of resveratrol can be traced back for years. 

Research - past and present - concludes that resveratrol promotes heart health, reduces the risk of cancer, and can play a role in controlling cholesterol. 

And what's good for your body is also great for your skin and beauty.  The healing properties of resveratrol extend from acne, to lesions, to improved cell health and the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles.  Its antioxidant properties also help your skin to resist sun damage. 

Resveratrol can play a major role in making your healthy fresh skin, well - glow!

Clearly this is not an invitation to drink bottles of red wine.  Too much of a good thing …
Even doctors are suggesting that assuming the patient does not have other conditions which could be aggravated by alcohol, a glass or two of red wine a day may be healthfully beneficial.

If red wine is not for you, you can find resveratrol in pomegranates, blueberries, or dark chocolate - how's that for too much of a good thing!  And, of course you can find the benefits of resveratrol in a number of supplements.

Beauty need not be painful.  Eat, drink, and enjoy!

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